Raising the next generation is a shared responsibility. When families, communities and schools work together, students are more successful and the entire community benefits. In Head Start/Early Head Start Parent, Family and Community Engagement (PF&CE) describes what families do at home and in the community to support their children's learning and development. It also encompasses the shared partnership and responsibility between home and school.
At the Leaguers, Inc., we understand that such engagement is essential for school readiness, therefore the staff participates in a process of collaborative partnership-building with parents to establish mutual trust and identify family goals, strengths, and necessary services and other supports.
The Leaguers, Inc. Head Start provides a variety of opportunities for interaction with parents throughout the year. All interactions with families, whether formal or informal, are respectful of each family’s diversity and cultural and ethnic background. The following are some initiatives and services that were developed to respond to the needs of the families in our program and to highlight their strengths:

Male engagement Services
Parent engagement/parenting skills course
Leadership opportunities- Parent Committee and Policy Council
School Readiness Leadership Committee
Health Advisor Committee
International Latch-On initiative
Asset Building/ Financial literacy
Access to community resources/partnerships